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PublishPress Blocks

Table of contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Free and Pro
    1. NPM dependencies
    2. Create the plugin installer (zip file)
    3. Compile CSS
    4. Compile Javascript
  3. Pro
    1. Gulp
    2. PHP logistic between Free and Pro


Free and Pro

This guidelines applies for both, PublishPress Blocks Free and PublishPress Blocks Pro versions.

Clone the Github repositories in local.

NPM dependencies

In terminal, go to the repository:

$ cd path/to/PublishPress-Blocks/

Install the npm dependencies:

$ npm install --save-dev

Repeat the process for Pro.

Install gulp-cli globally:

$ npm install --global gulp-cli

Create the plugin installer (zip file)

In order to create a WordPress plugin installer, run the command:

$ gulp bundle

You can find the zip in bundled folder.

Compile CSS

The CSS is compiled automatically when any .scss file is modified after running just once the command:

$ npm run compile_css
  • For the Free repository, the compiled files are stored in assets/css/ folder.
  • For the Pro repository, the compiled file is assets/css/blocks-pro.css.

Compile Javascript

The Javascript for the blocks is compiled automatically when any .jsx file is modified after running just once the command:

$ npm run build_react_dev
  • For the Free repository, the compiled files are assets/blocks/blocks.js and assets/blocks/frontend.js.
  • For the Pro repository, the compiled file is assets/blocks/blocks-pro.js.

To compile/minify other specific javascript files, please refer to the scripts in package.json.



When running $ gulp bundle, be sure to have cloned Free and Pro repositories on the same place, and be aware of the current branch in use for both.

+-- Parent-Folder
|   +-- PublishPress-Blocks
|   +-- PublishPress-Blocks-Pro

Important! Please note the gulpfile.js merges the files from Free within Pro by using a static local path (mine, lol). I need to figure out a way to allow to set a relative path or your own path before you can create the plugin installer.

PHP logistic between Free and Pro

The PHP logistic for blocks exclusive in Pro and its setup are defined in incl/pro-definitions.php. The methods are called in the Free repository through files inside incl/ folder.

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