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Sidebar Banner

The Sidebar Banner purpose is to display instructions and advertisements.

Sidebar Banner



We do recommend using composer for adding this library as a requirement:

$ composer require publishpress/wordpress-banners

How to use it

This library doesn’t autoload, so is required to add this code in your plugin main file:

if (!defined('PP_WP_BANNERS_VERSION')) {
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/publishpress/wordpress-banners/BannersMain.php';

Only free plugins should initialize this library.

Call pp_display_banner() somewhere in a custom admin page with all the appropriate params:

$banners = new PublishPress\WordPressBanners\BannersMain;


  • $heading: Custom heading; disabled if blank
  • $title: Custom title; disabled if blank
  • $content: Content to display. e.g. Feature list or a single paragraph
  • $link: Link to apply to button and image
  • $link_title: Link title
  • $image: A filename from assets/images/ folder; disabled if blank
  • $link_class: Link class. e.g. ‘button button-secondary’. Default is ‘button pp-button-yellow’.

Using Capabilities plugin banner inviting to install Permissions as example, this will be the result:

$banners = new PublishPress\WordPressBanners\BannersMain;
    __( 'Recommendations for you', 'capsman-enhanced' ),
    __( 'Control permissions for individual posts and pages', 'capsman-enhanced' ),
        __( 'Choose who can read and edit each post.', 'capsman-enhanced' ),
        __( 'Allow specific user roles or users to manage each post.', 'capsman-enhanced' ),
        __( 'PublishPress Permissions is 100% free to install.', 'capsman-enhanced' )
    admin_url( 'plugin-install.php?s=publishpress-ppcore-install&tab=search&type=term' ),
    __( 'Click here to install PublishPress Permissions for free', 'capsman-enhanced' ),

$heading, $title and $image can be disabled by setting up as empty strings. As example: $heading = ''.

Display the banner in a two-columns layout

The banner is designed to be outputted in the right sidebar of a custom admin screen. You can wrap the code to call BannersMain.php inside an if-else validation and define the value of a new constant you’ll use in next step to enable/disable a right-left columns layout.

In the example below we check if Permissions Free and Pro are activated. Depending the result, we assign a boolean value to CAPSMAN_PERMISSIONS_INSTALLED, a custom constant:

if (!cme_is_plugin_active('press-permit-core.php') && !cme_is_plugin_active('presspermit-pro.php')) {

	if (!defined('PP_WP_BANNERS_VERSION')) {
	    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/publishpress/wordpress-banners/BannersMain.php';
} else {

The HTML structure when displaying a banner in a sidebar of a custom admin screen is as follows. Please note we use CAPSMAN_PERMISSIONS_INSTALLED constant to decide to output pp-enable-sidebar CSS class and the banner itself.

Don’t forget to replace CAPSMAN_PERMISSIONS_INSTALLED with your own custom constant.

<div class="pp-columns-wrapper<?php echo !CAPSMAN_PERMISSIONS_INSTALLED ? ' pp-enable-sidebar' : '' ?>">
  <div class="pp-column-left">
      [ Here the main content of an admin page loads. As example: a table, tabs, etc. ]
  </div><!-- .pp-column-left -->
      <div class="pp-column-right">
          $banners = new PublishPress\WordPressBanners\BannersMain;
              // Set the params for your banner
      </div><!-- .pp-column-right -->
  <?php } ?>
</div><!-- .pp-columns-wrapper -->

In the practice and using the Capabilities example, this is how the layout will look when the banner is displayed:

2 Columns Layout

…and when the banner is not displayed:

1 Column Layout


To get the last version of the library when using in a given plugin, run composer update.

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