Link Search Menu Expand Document

Pro Banner

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Integrating into a plugin
    1. Loading the library
    2. Top Notice
      1. Params
    3. Menu link
      1. Params
  3. Testing

This page will describes how to display the purple banner on top of our plugin pages, telling users about the Pro version Repository.

Pro Banner


$ composer require publishpress/wordpress-version-notices

Integrating into a plugin

Due to a conflict in the tests we didn’t register the include file in the Composer’s autoload for now. You can manually require it and add a filter for the settings.

Loading the library

if (!defined('PP_VERSION_NOTICES_LOADED')) {
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/publishpress/wordpress-version-notices/includes.php';

Top Notice

add_filter(\PPVersionNotices\Module\TopNotice\Module::SETTINGS_FILTER, function ($settings) {
    $settings['dumb-plugin-one'] = [
        'message' => 'You\'re using Dumb Plugin One Free. Please, %supgrade to pro%s.',
        'link'    => '',
        'screens' => [
                'base'      => 'edit',
                'id'        => 'edit-post',
                'post_type' => 'post',

    return $settings;


  • message: Type the respective message for the banner, adding the button text between ‘%s’. This string will be used as format for sprint .
  • link: The full link for the button.
  • screen: An array of screen parameters used to decide what page should display the banner. Each item of the array can be a boolean or an array with a key-value array specifying the required params from the screen (WP_Screen) object. You can bypass the library’s filter algorithm adding a true item to it. This allows you to create your own function to check the screen returning a boolean value.
add_filter(\PPVersionNotices\Module\MenuLink\Module::SETTINGS_FILTER, function ($settings) {
    $settings['dumb-plugin-one'] = [
        'label' => 'Upgrade',
        'link'    => '',
        'parent' => 'parent-menu-alias'

    return $settings;

If the plugin has alternative parent menus (in case some modules are disabled) you can specify a set of valid menus as parent. The first that is found as parent menu is used as the parent.

add_filter(\PPVersionNotices\Module\MenuLink\Module::SETTINGS_FILTER, function ($settings) {
    $settings['dumb-plugin-one'] = [
        'label' => 'Upgrade',
        'link'    => '',
        'parent' => [

    return $settings;


  • label: Type the respective label for the menu item.
  • link: The full link for the menu link.
  • parent: The parent menu we should add the link. A string or an array.


Create a new WordPress installation dedicated for testing.

Make sure to copy the file .env.testing.dist as .env.testing and update the variables according to your environment.

Install the dependencies using composer:

$ composer install


$ composer update

Run the script:

$ bin/

The scripts were implemented for *nix systems. Not adapted for Windows yet.

Copyright © 2021 PublishPress. License GPL v3.